基于B/S 模式的毕业设计全过程质量监控管理系统
(1.湖南科技大学 计算机学院, 湘潭 411201;2.湖南科技大学 知识处理与网络化制造湖南高校重点实验室, 湘潭 411201)
Total Quality Management System for Graduation Project Based on B/S Model
(1.School of Computer Science and Enginering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China;2.Key Lab of Knowledge Processing and Networked Manufacturing, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China)
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Received:April 30, 2012    Revised:May 28, 2012
中文摘要: 毕业设计是对本科生四年所学知识的综合分析和运用能力的培养, 也是对高校教学水平的检验. 毕业设计管理是高校教学管理工作的重要环节, 对毕业设计论文质量影响很大. 由于传统的毕业设计管理存在着选题效率低、换题频率大、过程跟踪、指导不及时的弊病, 为加强毕业设计过程监控管理和规范, 提高毕业论文质量, 在对现有毕业设计管理系统进行研究的情况下, 融入了全面质量管理思想和工作流技术, 研究开发了B/S 模式的毕业设计管理信息系统, 通过6 年来的应用已非常完善, 为高校毕业设计过程管理提供了一个功能强大的信息平台.
Abstract:Graduation Project is a significant step for undergraduate students to synthetically practice their knowledge learned in universities. Due to many reasons, e.g. the low efficiency for title-electtion, there are no tools to support total quality control process for the entire graduation project management, the completion quality of graduation project is not as good as the authorities expected. To address this issue, we implemented a graduation project management information system based on B/S model to monitor, manage and control those which participate in the graduation project processes. It is driven by total quality control method and is supported by workflow technology. This system has been applied in our university for 6 years and becomes a very perfect, efficient and powerful-fuctions information plat.
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基金项目:湖南省普通高校重点教研项目(G20404); 湖南科技大学教研项目(G30505,G30721)
李章兵,刘建勋,赵肄江,龚波.基于B/S 模式的毕业设计全过程质量监控管理系统.计算机系统应用,2012,21(12):47-51
LI Zhang-Bing,LIU Jian-Xun,ZHAO Yi-Jiang,GONG Bo.Total Quality Management System for Graduation Project Based on B/S Model.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2012,21(12):47-51