(1.广州市地下铁道总公司建设事业总部, 广州 510380;2.华南理工大学软件学院, 广州 510006)
Methods of Massive Data Query Optimization for Urban Rail Transit Network
(1.Construction Division, Guangzhou Metro, Guangzhou 510380, China;2.School of Software Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)
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Received:March 27, 2015    Revised:June 03, 2015
中文摘要: 城轨线网数据中心汇集多条线路数据,单表记录量达数十亿条,当前系统数据查询响应时间过长、效率低下.提出利用数据库集群及中间件优化系统架构突破单库存储与处理瓶颈,多节点并行处理提升查询速度.按线路水平切分数据等方法,保证JOIN操作的局部性,满足新线路扩展需求;利用表分区、索引、物化视图、SQL语句优化等技术优化单机查询.其中,针对集群数据透明访问系统架构,设计专用数据库访问中间件,解决查询解析、路由及结果合成等关键问题.以广州城轨线路数据为例进行实验,结果表明通过本文方法各类查询响应时间至少降低90%.
中文关键词: 查询优化  中间件  海量数据  城轨线网
Abstract:The center of urban rail network needs to collect the data of all the urban rail lines and the size of table records will reach billions. The data query on urban rail network will need too much time and the system efficient is very low. We propose the program to optimize the system architecture by database cluster and middleware, which improves query efficiency because of more powerful storage and parallel processing capacity than that of a single database. An sharding method that divide the data horizontally by lines to avoid the expensive table joins crossing databases and the new rail line can be easily extended just by adding more database nodes. Serveral technologies, such as table partitioning, index, materialized view and SQL etc. are used also to optimize the reaction time when standalone inquiring. A special light-weight database access middleware used in the system architecture is designed to solved some key problems such as SQL parsing, route inquiring and result data merging etc.. The experiments are carrieded out on data from Guangzhou Metro as verifying the scheme of this paper. The results show that the reaction time of all types of queries is reduced 90% at least.
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ZHAO Chi,LIU Jian-Wei,RAO Li-Qiang,LIU Qiong.Methods of Massive Data Query Optimization for Urban Rail Transit Network.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2015,24(12):157-162