(福州大学 数学与计算机科学学院, 福州 350108)
Outsourcing Services Fair Payment Scheme Based on Blockchain
(College of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China)
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Received:August 22, 2019    Revised:September 23, 2019
中文摘要: 随着外包计算服务的快速发展,云计算吸引了越来越多的个人和企业使用外包服务提供商的服务.而雾计算进一步将云计算扩展到网络边缘,在雾计算中,用户由于受计算资源的约束,所以将计算任务外包给雾节点.然而,用户和雾计算节点之间的相互不信任,将会导致公平支付的问题.现有的大多数解决方案采用的是传统的支付机制,需要依赖银行来实现支付.为了实现外包服务的公平支付问题,本文提出了基于区块链的外包服务公平支付方案,通过区块链智能合约支付报酬.同时本文提出的方案可以确保如果雾计算节点完成了计算任务,则用户必须支付报酬给雾计算节点.而如果雾计算节点没有完成计算任务,则用户可以获得赔偿.系统分析表明本方案实现了外包服务的正确性和公平性,并且其消耗在可接受范围内.
中文关键词: 外包计算  雾计算  区块链  公平支付  以太坊
Abstract:With the rapid development of outsourcing services, cloud computing has attracted an increasing number of individuals and enterprises to enjoy the services from outsourcing service providers. Moreover, fog computing further extends cloud computing to the edge of the network. In fog computing, because the end user is usually resource-constrained, the outsourcing computation tasks can be outsourced to the fog nodes. However, the mutual distrust between users and fog nodes may impede the fair payment of outsourcing services. Nevertheless, most existing solutions adopt the traditional payment mechanism, which needs a trusted authority such as a bank. In this study, in order to realize fair payment of outsourcing services, we introduce a new fair payment framework based on Blockchain in fog computing to directly transfer rewards by smart contract. Meanwhile, we present a construction to guarantee that if there is a malicious user, the honest one can get compensation. Finally, our security analysis indicates that the proposed protocol achieves correctness and fairness, and performance analysis shows that the experimental consumption is acceptable.
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CHEN Jia-Liang,LIN Hong-Rui,HUANG Dian-Jie.Outsourcing Services Fair Payment Scheme Based on Blockchain.COMPUTER SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS,2020,29(4):97-101